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"A Time For Seniors"

Our CEO Sean Kearney is the host of “A Time For Seniors”, live on 104.5 FM & 950 AM, Saturdays at Noon for the Northern California region. This is a catalog of all of his previous shows, enjoy to your hearts content!

November 7th, 2024

In this Episode, Sean interviews local celebrity and professional mountain biker Jacob Velasco. Jacob talks about his experience with the sport, his plan for the future, and his involvement in the senior services industry.

An Interview With Jacob VelascoSean Kearney
00:00 / 54:50

October 31st, 2024

In this Episode, Sean interviews Judy Bernal, a local expert on reverse mortgages and a long time friend! Sean and Judy speak about the senior industry, how reverse mortgages can help, personal stories and new senior products on the market.

An Interview with Judy BernalSean Kearney
00:00 / 54:50

September 5th, 2024

In this Episode, Sean interviews Daniel Roshnotti. Dan is an expert in memory and retention, an educator, business partner and personal mentor to Sean in a number of areas. We speak about various topics ranging from Dans history and education to his recent involvement in the senior services field.

An Interview with Daniel RoshnottiSean Kearney
00:00 / 54:50

May 30th, 2024

In this Episode, Sean interviews local kinesiologist Michael Krick about his expansion into the senior services industry. More specifically about his start in the fitness training, the effects of food and hormones, and his experiences working with the senior community.

An Interview with Michael KrickSean Kearney
00:00 / 54:44

February 22nd, 2024

In this Episode, Sean sits down with Maureen Lawrence from Elder Care Management about how she helps to serve the senior community by being a center hub for resources and an advocate for families with older loved ones.

Interview with Maureen lawrence from Elder Care ManagementSean Kearney
00:00 / 53:38

January 2nd, 2024

In this Episode, Sean Reviews all the pieces of wisdom he's learned from his clients in 2023, starting the year off strong.

Start your year off right with Goals and AmbitionSean Kearney
00:00 / 53:38

April 6th, 2023

In this episode, Sean Interviews Jill VanDusen, a Local Real Estate Agent and family friend. Jill brings up the topic of preparing yourself financially for the future and how what you do now to prepare for after you’re gone will have an impact after you pass.

An interview with Jill VanDusenSean Kearney & Jill VanDusen
00:00 / 54:50

February 2nd, 2023

In this Episode, Sean Talks about how the Scammers behind the Elder Fraud Business have nearly Tripled their income in the last 5 years. What happened? and How can we stop it?

How the Elder Fraud Business has EvolvedSean Kearney
00:00 / 54:50

January 26th, 2023

In this Episode, Sean Kearney goes over all of the effects technology has had on the younger generation, the divide it's created between the younger generation and the older ones, and what we can do to fix it.

Social Media's effect on the YouthSean Kearney
00:00 / 54:50

January 19th, 2023

In this Episode, Sean Kearney and Logan Hughey Go over Goals for the year, products that make seniors lives easier as well as prevalent senior scams to look out for.

A Time for SeniorsSean Kearney & Logan Hughey
00:00 / 54:50
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